Thursday, April 12, 2012


Share your Lone Wolf replays and put them in once place. Many players are taking part in this event and only few replays are uploaded. Not good! Not good at all!
I told to Replayers head administrator, DeathWing, to make a short post on front page in which he would advise players where they should upload their Lone Wolf replays. And I told him this few days ago. Seems like he is still absorbing the information because this haven't been done yet.

Nevermind that neebs. You don't need an admin to come and tell you where and how to upload your replays. Dinker is here for you! And I am really disappointed that not many of you are uploading your LW replays.

From now on, when you are uploading your Lone Wolf replay on Replayers, write "Lone Wolf" in "Tournament" box. I am doing this since the very beginning and I allready have 6 uploaded replays. Check them here.

You see how good is when you can get direct link to the information you need? That is why we need to put our replays in one place.


  1. Dinko! Add BaByLoN) into your UD poll! I was forced to vote for Ojune

    1. Was thinking of adding him but then I would have to add few more of his level and so decided to put only top top players. Baby indeed had some interesting games and was loyal to his fiends but not enough :P

      p.s. if you like fiends user go for es.rus :D

  2. es.rus is back and playing on "since." by the way.
    gave my vote for ojune <3

  3. Look at that troll trying to sabotage the RP event:


    (Date: 11.04.2012 01:14:23) #4

    This is the worst maphack period ever. We have to survive this time by playing cgs and tournaments until it's fixed! :P

  4. i like the ud list, my vote is for eki.
    let me choose between:
    ORC:::orcuser(pioneer) nihor(pioneer of gruntraider abuser) mixtape(owns) atleast!! lol

    and hu::: dinko(os ownager) lno(micro machine and rapes elves!) han(amazing micro and strategies but sad to see losing vs elfs so much!!)

    ne::: acidpsycho(pioneer and amazing game play) philbot(big lag and still was great all around, outstanding micro)

  5. elf : cascada
    orc : nihor
    hu : alex
    ud : mouse

    Skill & style
    no matter what!


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