What a happy day! Our favorite minion is on the top of the world! Memorize this 8th May because it is the best 8th May ever!
Our favorite minion GhoST.ReTorNo. has climbed on the top of the battle.net ladder. Today he is holding rank 1 with level 40. His cute Priestess of the Moon is smiling in glory for the very first time.
Even tho it him quite some time to get this rank, I can't say this happened because our minion was unstoppable in the ladder. More likely it is because inactivity of other players. However, being crowned as the player with the most experience in battle.net ladder must be a great feeling for him.
And we are all happy because of that. Still, some are not. Now that GhoST.ReTorNo. has ownership over trollarena and he now that he became true king of ladder, some people are mega mad and super angry. While Ghost has getting more and more from this game some are losing everything.
Check out these cool stuff in which hb.thespecial gets mega angry and mega trolled on our minion for being the owner of trollarena and getting rank 1.
GG N00B |
Bravo minion! And don't stop playing now. There are many more levels to hit and many more trolls to annoy!
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