Thursday, December 27, 2012


One more replay pack for all of those who enjoy some good Human action! Total of 10 great games versus many great opponents. Link for the map pack and replay pack inside the post!
Including 8 wins and 2 losses versus Haburinho and Vankor, this replay pack is better than the first one. Check out how I deal those aggressive Undeads and Orcs.

Game against Taker was also incredible because I managed to win even tho I was 10 steps behind through whole game. Gotta say that his mistake helped me out but I played bravely and deserved the win.

Game against Schappi was so LOL and in that game you can see what happens when both players go for imbalanced strategies on Tranquil Paths.


W3ARENA MAPPACK (click to download)
Dinker's W3Arena 2nd Replay Pack (click to download)

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to download the mappack coz i can't watch w3arena replays even if i dled all the maps thought the ladder !!

    But the link is dead! Can you fix it ?



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