Monday, January 14, 2013


One of the most popular, if not the most popular, player of last few years, and also a dear friend of mine who needs no introduction after his nickname is written - S_A_I_B_OT, is one of the walking legends who actively plays on new formed W3Arena server.

He plays crazy amount of good games and he decided to share his big replay pack with me, knowing that I won't be selfish to keep it only for myself but noble to share it with the rest of community.

Replay pack is huge! Total of 27 good games against the names like Pumppaaja-Eki, Vankor, ArnOrc and others who also gave their best when they matched the beast. 

The only remark that I have on replay pack is that you will see S_A_I_B_O_T playing a race which is not his main race in most of the games. Blame his decision to play Random and then blame luck/no luck for giving him that race in 90% of his games. However, everyone knows that S_A_I_B_O_T plays his worst races better than players who are playing their best races in 95% of his games. The sadness is inevitable feeling tho, because I, and probably the 99% of the community wishes to see him playing his Undead they way he used us to watch it.

Because of the size of the pack, people's interest for the games and my wish that everyone consumes this great replay material with patience and joy, I decided to split the pack intro 3 equal parts. Today I will give you first part of this collection and you can expect second one tomorrow or day after tomorrow. 

I'd lie if I say that me and Tobi didn't have time to do the interview because we had some long chats in the past few days and we even played some AT games. But we both felt like doing something else than interview so when we sit down and get some wave of inspiration we will do a strong chat that will be interesting for you to read.

Meanwhile, get your hands on the first part of this collection and hold your breath until the second one is released.

S_A_I_B_O_T's collection 1/3 (click to download)


  1. All download slots for this file are currently filled.
    Please try again momentarily

    How come?


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