Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Today we had the first 3 rounds of RSDM where two players got invited in the beginning and after their clash was over new challenger was introduced. You can see all info about this first season under "RSDM" tab in the thread called Season #1. More details about the event itself inside the post.

Some of you are probably confused about the format. I get this impression because the players who are attending the event are asking me the same question after every round : And what now? I find it funny but also very good because they were very amused by the event's format and are eager to find out how it works in details.

It goes in circles. With each new challenger starts new circle. In the end of every circle there is a match for the crown. Players who lose are losing their position in line but with each new circle they will get the chance to regain their lost status. Or to go one step down.

Now some of you are probably confused why I didn't put mega solo beats in first few rounds. I didn't because I want to make this harder for stronger players. When a player joins the event in first few rounds, he has a luxury of losing his first matches and still being in the circle until the event ends. However, player who joins the circle in the last round of the event, has only one chance to win the crown which means that he has to beat all players who are ahead of him in a row. Pretty demanding task, don't you think?

Another benefit from having a bit weaker players in the middle rounds is to help them to get better on the tough battleground because they will surely play several matches. What I never liked about our community tournaments is that mediocre unlucky player can never go further than the round 1 or 2, no matter how hard he tries. Because there are is always some mega solo beast, killing him at that stage.

So one of the points of RSDM's format is to give more chances to weaker players and to give less chances to strong players. 

Stay tuned for the updates about new challenger who will face hell_calls in the next round. Replays will be uploaded soon.

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