Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Not logging quite often for the past month or so but each time I go on battle.net I try to enter KeKo. When the response comes as "channel is full" I immediately check for other popular clan channels to see if KeKo is indeed filled with people or something else. 

For the past 30 days, give or take, it has always been "something else" because every other popular clan has been restricted. Obviously, spammers are hitting hard and it seems that they've been hitting this hard ever since that Dkk clan stepped on the scene. Correlation or coincidence? 

Hardly to be the second one because I don't see their clan channel being spammed at all. Well, perhaps that will change after this post. Or it wont. 

If it changes right after this post it will be logic to assume that the initial spammer will realize that his actions were reckless and that he has to include his own clan into the spamming list to clear his name out of the list of suspect. 

If it doesn't change, however, it will mean that he simply doesn't care about destroying the other clan channels while keeping his own in good health and that he is one heartless but also pathetic freak who believes that by forcing other clan channel's doors to be locked will eventually get more people in his own channel. We have seen this strategy being played before. Without success of course.

Anyway, if you have any info about this, feel free to share it with the rest of us.

*Important update*

Seems like clan Dkk got disbanned (typical for trollhackspamwannabes) and recreated with a new name Wyc (Why you Cry). LOL!

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