Friday, March 14, 2014


Even tho I said that after season one I won't be joining W3A again, mostly due to ignorance of its head admin and bad experiences I had with him, I changed my mind and started doing some games there on regular basis. By observing the daily action there I figured out that, unless some steps forward are made, the server will go into its declining phase very soon.

The first step forward would be to get a decent DDoS protection. It is not expensive or hard to get or to provide, every decent company gives it for free. I don't see many sites or platforms today who were made in the last 5 years to get DDoSed.

Second step is a creation of one standard that would apply to everyone in community. One of the main problems is Head Admin's ignorance toward different opinions and critics. Not speaking about Roc section now even tho this influenced Roc section as well. Letting battle.net maphackers in W3A community then banning and muting people who are complaining about that is tragic. It is like if the Jews in WW2 were running from Hitler and then somehow they all ended up in Australia, sitting in a restaurant and eating together. Even tho Jews complained, owner of the restaurant said - Well he won't harm you in here, guys, relax and eat your food. Just tragic seeing Tugay, Dima, Jason and God knows who else is hiding behind those smurfs. If they don't get erased from W3A database and become legit players in W3A and keep hacking on battle.net there is no real victory by playing on W3A.

Third step is to keep people on one account. Actually, to prevent them from multiaccounting . This has to be done in order to tie players with W3A. Like it is now, they come for a game or two, like myself, create new account each time, pwn 1-2 players and then leave because they don't want to get a loss. People don't want to lose, this is what I learned from some newbie back on Replayers. I mean, he actually said that he would rather suck hackers and abusers cocks @battle.net then get owned by legit players on W3A. Yea he is an idiot I didn't want to get into discussion back there but get this: He would rather play against cheaters and wannabes @battle.net because after losing to them he would have an excuse such as lag, opponent is a hacker, opponent is a potential hacker etc. On W3A he can only say - gg you are better mate I go 0/10 here coz I'm bad I gotta learn. Lol, enough about that. So multiaccounting off please.

Step 4 is ridiculous map pool for Roc. Again and again those ugly TFT maps for Roc with this new addition that is ugly as fuck aka Ancient Sprins or something like that. Moonglade was much better map this. Considering map pool, battle.net still owns W3Arena big time and I hope this changes soon.

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