Sunday, March 4, 2012


I've decided to make an event which will determine who is the best troll in our community. The winner will get amazing prize for which I guarantee that is the best prize ever. Read the full info inside the post on how you can sign up for this even and what prize you may win if you beat everyone.

Before you start reading and signing up for this even you must be sure that you have what it takes to become number 1 troll. So take a calm and good time analyzing yourself and when you are done you will know if you are the potential champion and the best troll of all trolls.

To attend this event you will need to send me some troll material of yours. Troll replays, troll comments, troll posts, troll account names or profiles all in all some trollish work of yours that is original and different than other trolls. Only by sending such material you will be an option for the best troll ever title. 

Now I come to the part for which you have the most interest. The prize. The great prize. The most amazing prize of all times

Followed by the troll work from some other troll websites I realized that I have to put some troll prize for this contest. So I present you the prize which is the most adequate for the best troll ever title.


This is arguably the best Cool Water for trolls. It has 1.5 liters in the bottle and you can use it for years! It has thespecial feature too. When you done with it just fill the bottle with normal water and you will be good to go all over again! Water that never dries, water for trolls! That is your prize!

Start sending me cool trollish material on dinkersmail@gmail.com and in 10 days I will present the best candidates for this amazing event with amazing prize!


I will moderate comments for posts older than 14 days. Bear in mind that I will remove your comment if I find it rude, stupid or useless.