Twenty minutes before I sit down to write this article I was desperately trying to find a solo game on new opened W3Arena server. I wasn't alone in channel, there were 5 other players who, like by command, quit their game search when I joined the room.
Then one of them, who hunts the newbies so he can pick a win now and then, wrote that we should go for Random Team now when we are in number and asked me to join them in their search. I replied that I can't play 2 vs 2 RT game with them because I am in process of writing something and that I might join them later when I am finished. In a blink of an eye he then focused on the weakest player in channel and asked him to for solo instead. Seconds after that they joined the game.
Same old sickness for the good old Fear. Of being exposed how good they truly are. Or, of course, where is their actual place. So before they decide to go in W3Arena with their main nickname, they will try out to "test" the server for like 5-6 months on several smurf accounts which they usually share as trolls and wannabes never walk alone. Plus when that "testing" period is over they will jump in to say how their first account on server was this and that and how good their stats was.
Damn, I started with 0/3 on my Dinker account on W3Arena. I lost 3 games in a row because I didn't play a game for 6 months and because I wasn't used to that great latency. After that I won 25 games in a row and things are where they should be, concerning my capabilities.
But I, and other great personalities of this game such as S_A_I_B_O_T and RapinG and others who are not hiding behind an unknown smurf account or even worse - unknown smurf share accounts are not afraid of losing a game or two because such "failure" is so small comparing to the wins we achieved and the most important - we are aware of that. Viiksi-Vallu is proudly wearing his nickname and he would wear it on a 1/100 solo account. He has no twisted ego like wannabes who are taking medications each time they get owned on their main account.
I don't understand why are they so sensitive? They truly behave like they've never lost a game. And the truth is that these wannabes who recently got mega good under mega suspicious circumstances are still capable of losing against 50% BNET population if you let that population to play the same race they do - NE.
Could it be that their extra sensitivity comes from their belief that they are super tight players and by being super tight players they are not allowed to lose a game from which they are expected to come out as winners? How fooled they are and mostly by themselves.
So the server is full of USSA - unknown smurf share accounts. USSA are full of fear. If you are not USSA, come and play few games, me and other amazing dudes are waiting.
I'm still sad I cant even try it out, I dont got acces to a windows comp and so far there has been no indication that w3arena will be available for Mac users ;(