Saturday, December 22, 2012


True, I am a veteran and the times of my highest skill had passed. I admit that nowdays I have troubles beating the most active players and the reasons for that are many. Link inside the post!

Unlike them, I have long periods of inactivity, lack of motivation and above everything, I decided to play Human on map pools that favor the dominance of one click races and range units. Still, I do beat them on regular basis and again, the reasons for that are many.

Accumulated experience through years and ability to adapt to their simple but effective gaming plans, natural intelligence and improvisation in the times where every copycat can snitch a win if he follows the most popular strategical patterns are just one of the reasons why I am still able to beat them. And it gives me plenty of satisfaction each time I break one of those new born "stars".

Losing to them from time to time is, after all, natural and inevitable and it is part of the game. It doesn't bother   nor demoralizes me in a way that I should hide behind some smurf nickname so I can evade the wannabe replays or comments after the game was played. Using my known nickname, with my weak Human race I stand against the army of newborn Random/ Elf "stars" and I play each game with joy.

I've been checking Replayers lately and I can't say how sad is to see that nobody is uploading replays from W3Arena. As I did in the past, I will continue the practice of reviving the sanity in our community and I will start uploading my games so everyone who misses some good action from this amazing server can get a piece of that action in their replays database. There are plenty of great games out there which can only be great because they lack lag and hackers that invaded official ladders. I bet that replay lovers will enjoy to see these games and that every player of my caliber should start posting his games on Replayers.

My first replay pack will consist of 10 selected games and it will be uploaded later today.

Dinker's W3Arena 1st Replay Pack (click to download)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe noone uploads replays cause noone has maps from this server?


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