Friday, July 20, 2018


Pretty hot Friday after noon. Was sitting in my clan channel when out of nowhere I get whispered by a rehabilitated maphacker that I recently played against. You are guessing right. But, there is more!

Squelched, obviously. Not a minute passed by, an unknown noob-like player with Lich icon joins channel clan w3 and this happens.

Right after this little hit, noob-like player with Lich icon called FurionLookSonic leaves the channel. Classic hit n run. Damn! Who is FurionLookSonic and what is his connection to Ceron?No matter how long you are in this community, you can't know everyone. Nobody knows everyone, people mostly know those who are of their interest. Friends they play games with, rivals they play against, fans know their idols and idols know their most faithful fans. So excuse me for not knowing who you are FurionLookSonic. But, be assured that I did my best to find out.

First I profiled this Ceron's defender. Member of clan 7G. A shaman. Obviously, next step in my investigation was clan 7G. Getting there I met X-BOOSTER-X, current rank 1 and also the shaman in clan 7G. Here is what he said about FurionLookSonic

You can read right? Well, this wasn't enough for me. Booster can't remember everything, partly because he was always that player from the ladder, rarely joining closed communities on Replayers, Rocarena where bigger knowledge was gathered and everyone shared their finding and knowings about everything that is going on.

Obviously, my next step was clan RoC. I thought, if anyone knows who FurionLookSonic is and can tell me his name, he must be sitting there. And I wasn't mistaken. I met RainyMonday, immensely respectable German player, former chieftain of clan BMF and also host of BMF cups. So I entered clan RoC and I wrote this :

Like a bullet, Rainy has spoken. Check out what he said to me about FurionLookSonic.

"Well you know... What maphack is for hackers... Its like a drug."
While Rainy was passing the word (Al Pacino style) I whispered one more respectable community member and a friend, LoveStruck, current admin on W3Replayers.com. I asked, again :

Soon after, LoveStruck strucked.

Last station was www.rocarena.com and their cute Hackers List. It was created in the dirties times of battle.net ladder, in the summer of 2012, I believe when Tugay and Jason were terrorizing ladder with their NEMH combo. It contains the names of many cheaters. Some were able identified, some got away. But no worries, we will get them eventually. Here is what it says about FurionLookSonic.

Thanks to X-BOOSTER-X, RainyMonday, LoveStruck and Rocarena Hacker's List we are able to conclude that unknown noob-like user that joined clan w3 to tell me that Ceron doesn't hack, soon after Ceron the maphacker whispered, is nobody else than TeteDeChien, french maphacker.

Now that we know who you are FurionLookSonic, we believe in what you say. About anything, especially about other collegues of yours. I mean, how could Ceron be hacking if TeteDeChien claims, with his level of credibility, that he doesn't hack? And who will we believe if not respectable community members like TeteDeChien. After all, isn't he a part of the most beautiful ROC history?


  1. Ketchup_74 straight OGJuly 22, 2018 at 10:52 PM

    I don't think you're hovering the cursor over the right issue here.

    There have always been hackers, there will always be. Nobody cares about one more hacker talking shit.

    The real question I ask myself here is: why the fuck is this guy a shaman of Clan 7G? Is the community nowadays allowing hackers in altogether? We know for a fact that Clan 4On always did, w3replayers does it now too.

    1. Sometimes hackers trick chieftains by pretending to be legit.

  2. Just got a whisper from chieftain of clan 7G, Str8-Union. He have read the paper and looks like FurionLookSonic is clanless since today.


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