Sunday, December 23, 2012


Yesterday, when I was checking W3Arena ladder page I saw guy called DUWAROLO having 20/0 solo stats. After I saw that I went to read something and take a nap. After 30 minutes I woke up and refreshed the W3Arena ladder page on my PC. What I saw, was so epic.

In those 30 minutes while I was sleeping, DUWAROLO went from 20/0 solo to 52/3, achieving rank 2 respectively. Immediately, I went on public channel where I met ROCARENA (I thought that RainyMonday is behind this account because of Night Elf race that he plays) and one other guy who were also mega confused about DUWAROLO kid. We did some chit-chat there and I decided to make a post in community forums so Pad, W3Arena creator, can take a look at.

Minutes passed and DUWAROLO joined the chat room. "It's BETA", he said and how he meets only newbies and that his games last from 2-3 minutes max. He said that some players, after he win them 5 times in a row, just flame him and leave the game to punish him. To punish him by building up his rank and stats. Very logical.

The troll stood strong in channel for several minutes and then Pad showed up. He checked and saw that he played 38 games for 1 hour, all against the opponent from the very same IP address who used 4 different accounts. They went so far that when they were matched in game, the opposition side who helped him to make this account in 1 day would ask him to leave but he wouldn't allow it. He would rather wait for 1 minute so the game is more "legit". So cute.

So, DUWAROLO is banned for abusing the system. All hard work for that day is gone. 

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