Friday, April 26, 2013


Just to let you know that I will be heading to my house in the mountain tomorrow and stay there for at least 5 days to catch some fresh air. Don't cry, I'll be back soon.

Friday, April 12, 2013


As you probably read on W3Arena, Replayers and on my cute blog, cup is tomorrow. I expect to see some very dear friends in it and also other good gamers who are eager to try out the maps that I've been editing. It will be amazing to see which players will manage to adapt on completely changed maps which require much more than all other maps that everyone used to play on. Download W3A Map Pack v1.06 HERE.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


As plan to promote newly open W3Arena server goes on, we decided to host solo cups that will be played on weekends. This week, on Saturday 13th April...

Monday, April 8, 2013


Bot on Keko intercepted me and told me to visit clan Hrow and to try out trivia in their channel. All that on Spanish. I can articulate with my Spanish knowledge so I went there and after 5-6 minutes spent there I realized that these clans like Hrow are very important for the community.