Friday, July 20, 2018

KEKO 2018

Back in the golden days it wasn't so easy to get a sit in KeKo. The most popular public channel for ROC was full at all times with users often sitting there for days. Some would not log off for weeks only to be first to sit in channel. 

In KeKo players from all game variations gathered. Solo players, those who were searching an ally for AT, RT players and FFA players, Sheep tag players, trolls, CG dodgers. List goes on but KeKo didn't go on. 

It died when spambots took over the scene. Wannabes that wanted to do something, anything to get attention started flooding it with Starcraft accounts, making everyone unable to join the channel. They killed it, or did they?

Today, this is the sight.

KeKo 20.07.2018.

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