1337 replays

These games have what most of games don't have. A mixture of everything needed for an unforgettable clash between races, gaming characters and luck coin sides.

Archive 2012 (click to check 1337 replays from 2012)

Dinker(HU) versus iAm(ORC) on Rift Valley 05.01.2013.

Unfair matchup mostly because this cunt aka Jason hacks. Check out how he splits armies, evade my placed wards and follows Archmage after teleport has been used. Hilarious, right? But even more hilarious than that is the fact that haxor, despite the ugly cheat that he used, got owned by intellectual mountain called Dinker. Enjoy!

moob12(HU) versus noobtastic(NE) on Moonglade 11.01.2013.
Ganz The Legend strikes again with all power that Workshop has. Long game with constant fights and crazy amount of expansions and killed units. Wouldn't dare to call this one micro war, tho. However, the amount of chaos and action is amazing. Enjoy!

bSg(UD) versus MSMBANDA(NE) on Secret Valley 14.01.2013.
European battle.net star POL-KNK meets USA player on W3Arena in a pretty even match if you look their overall gaming capabilities. What amazed me wasn't only the way they played and messed around for more than 30 minutes but the funny chat they produced, both annoyed by the chances their races are offering and which they ab(used). Thrilling ending and unknown winner till the very last minute, POL-KNK's charm and bSg's frustration which he handled very well made this game 1337. Enjoy!

Dinker(HU) versus PROSTOQRWAMAC(NE) on Tranquil Paths 16.01.2013.
Look what the water brought in! An angry fan-troll from battle.net, tries to make a positive switch on W3Arena. If you haven't checked my replay pack of games against this troll wannabe, go on Replay Packs tab and enjoy in 8 amazing kill-troll games that were played last year or so. But this game is even more special than whole that replay pack. Why? Because it contains my new anti-troll strategy that I am successfully using in my games against trolls and wannabes on W3Arena. I buy Shrederz! And I own these wannabes with boys who cut woods. YES! I am that good and they are so owned. Enjoy!

syNtec(NE) versus chOOsingSkill(HU) on Lost Temple 18.03.2013.
One of those games which you watch and when it hits 25 minute mark you ask yourself - how the hell are they going to continue like this for more than 40 minutes? And the keep on raising the tension level and everything they do is harder but better as the game gets bigger. They got me confused and I am supposed to be one of the most experienced players in this community. I admit, I didn't know who is going to win till the very end. One of the best games Warcraft 3 has ever seen. Pure 1337ness.


  1. I like the idea, it reminds me AKM forum with crazy reps.

    Only lacks of cats around.

  2. Sweet, I made it in this list! Dat mean I pra

  3. Dinko this Potm hunt user is called Mythzzical aka chris :) aka Cloverfleld for example :* kiss <-

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong and my memory fails me but wasnt Cloverfield a hacker?

  5. I heard this chris was hacking on Cloverfield, but i havent got enought fingers to count all hackers. no peace no love

  6. hey dude - would be awsome to upload some mappack of the w3arena maps free to download - its such mess to find em onlinee. For the retired and inactive players s'il vous plait... :)

  7. I just reupploaded syNtec(NE) versus chOOsingSkill(HU) on Lost Temple, this was the best game I ever played. Thanks for the flattering feedback 0=)!


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