Saturday, January 21, 2012


Don't you love that feeling when you are on your main account which is displaying the name under which you are well known to everyone and you meet some 10/0 Night elf smurfer who is wishing you good luck and by that "too cool to talk to you attitude" refuses to introduce himself?

It is something that has been annoying to me long time ago until I well understood why people are massively playing on their smurfs rather than on their main accounts. I ll try to give some reason.

By playing on many smurfs they are boosting up their ego. Once they reach the level they are aiming or once they reach the similar level that person they admire has, lets say, 15/0, they feel good. Then they usually write their main nickname in profile and something stupid like "can't find anymore games in solo" or "acc closed".

Playing incognito gives them a lot of self confidence. When they are playing under new name like "SunInTheApril" their opponents are usually meeting them for the first time on that account name. What gives them confidence is that their opponents are not having any history against them, to be precise, when playing against SunInTheApril some JoeBecker would think that he is playing this smurfer for the first time in his life and that he never won a game against him. Although he won thousand games against this everyday smurfer he doesn't know who he is. That "starting from scratch" or having "invincible record" gives the smurfer illusion that he indeed never lost a game.

People who massively smurf are not very satisfied with their achievements. They smurf from revenge to the others who are still beating them on their main accounts and putting those wins in front of everyone. That transparent life the main account has makes those who are not sure how good they are quite weak. And nobody likes weak people. I mean, nobody likes to compare with weak people. They want to be strong, and invincible is strong, right? So smurf is strong. At least in their minds.

Some fast "gl" in start and then speechless leave or little flame spiced with some bitchy whine in the end is the usual picture of a game where player on main account is beating the incognito smurfer. That is because of the strong smurf I spoke in the chapter before. He starts the game like a top gamer and gentleman. But the problem is that he is able to be top gamer and gentleman only when he is winning. The good games are only games he wins.
So in the end he shows his weak character by blaming everything around him and whining like a little kid over a broken toy. Because his smurf is source of joy. And when you break his toy you kill his joy. That rhymes, lol.
From the previous, if he wins over you and you are in the group of those he admires and whos level he seeks while he is smurfing 24/7, he will :
1) say good game because you are good and he won someone who is good so he must be good
2) post replay to show off more and so can everyone see how good he is and that he is able to beat good players
3) reveal his identity after 100 smurfs because he finally reached the level he wanted to reach and he will try by all means to prove that he succeeded from the first try.
4) instantly forget how bad he was/is and will equalize himself with all players who won the guy he just won. If God had account in battle.net and he played ladder versus Joe and won, smurfer will equalize himself with God because he won Joe too
5) Try to justify in every following replay that gets uploaded and tagged as his loss. Maps will be blamed, races will be blamed, lag will be blamed, hot days, cold nights, weed, drinks and list goes on.

Freud would say, any many would agree, that this goes far beyond from intention of smurfer to be good in PC game. No, he just doesn't wanna be put aside like a useless, unimportant kid and he will do everything it takes to get some sort of attention. By some sort of attention I thinking of good and bad attention. In this case its usually the bad one when everyone hates him and he knows it but he keeps doing the same because the feeling that people know him because of something he is doing is better then nothing.

So don't be hard on Night elf smurfers cause their lives are not easy.

1 comment:

  1. It makes me laugh when a smurf is in channel and attempts to assert some "insight" which others are unaware of, and quickly challenges anyone who questions his God-like insight...only when the 1v1 LT match loads, this God-like being on wc3 states something like, "So drunk right now, but I'll still rape you!!111!" or "Just smoked a bowl lolol but this will be fuckin' easy!!11" or my favorite.."Mass lag because I am on [insert different sever name here] but I could beat you with no need for micro!!1" -- all of these are of course only ways to safeguard the unknown smurf...if he wins, he can assert "Even though I am hindered, I still win" and if he losses, "So lucky I [am drunk], [am high], [am lagging] noob"


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